VW / Polo from 02 (9N) / 44 - steering booster / coding
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Control unit
Diagnostic operation
Diagnostic procedure
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ESP (Electronic Stability Programme (ESP)):
x ? ? x x
Provides information on whether the steering servo is controlled by an own sensor or the CAN signal from ESP XX = ESP NO XX = ESP YES
Program type:
x x x ? ?
XX = comfort boosting
XX = Normal boosting for light vehicles
XX = Comfort boosting for light vehicles XX =Maximum boosting for the physically handicapped (PR-XNX)
You are not logged! System works in DEMO mode only now where numbers are replaced with X characters. For 49 EUR only You will get access into full system. You can pay by credit card or bank transfer. Click BUY button for purchase and You will get login to diagnostic procedures database imediatelly.